Ephrata Lodge No. 665 - Free & Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania
29 West Main Street - Ephrata, PA.
"The Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God"


Stated Meetings:
2nd Tuesdays at 7pm

July & August
The lodge is "Called off from labor".


































Freemasonry Education Section

Regius Poem What is the "Regius Poem"? The earliest known document telling about the Craft, giving the history, rules, and laws...Posted by The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, F & AM on Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Additional information is found on the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge's website.

Grand Lodge View

The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania - 1 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19107

To visit the Grand Lodge's site, please visit their site at www.pagrandlodge.org

Image of Albert Mackey

Albert Mackey

Read Albert Mackey's Landmarks - Although Pennsylvania doesn't have an official set of landmarks to abide by, the landmarks by Mackey are considered by many to be the closest that Pennsylvania follows.